Thursday, March 31, 2016

End Text - Toku's Demise

Added more campaign events. Added the ability for a campaign event's resolution to add story text to the dialog box displayed upon beating the level.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Started Campaign Writing

Continued to add features to the campaign code; an event can now be keyed to a set of terrain features, rather than just one or any. Also, some event flags are set programmatically; this allows events and resolutions to depend on skills, items, and so on.

Also started assembling the campaign writing itself! Lots still to do.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Spent all day working on the stores and markets. They work now, but like much of the game, they could use a lot of sprucing up.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Today I added the rewards mechanic, allowing campaign events and battles to result in acquiring cash, items, and spells. The amount of cash is a bell-shaped randomization based on how far into the game you've progressed. The chance of finding an item can also be based on such progress (or automatic for certain situations). I also started on markets/stores, but that's still a work in progress.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hard at work on the campaign "skeleton" - the code that the meat of the campaign will hang off of. The various mission types added earlier this week can now be results of your choices in a given scenario, as can starting locations, weather conditions, and daytime/nighttime. Events can set flags which effect which random events are available later. Each event can be available only in certain provinces. And so on.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bit of a grab-bag of a day's work:
  • Added a button that displays a direction&distance pointer to the current objective (if any), and scrolls to that objective when clicked.
  • Fixed re-spawning enemies to keep incrementing their name count (e.g. "Fell Boar 3" instead of "Fell Boar 2 2").
  • Added a "surrender" button to instantly lose a battle. ...Should probably add a "confirm" step to that process, lol...
  • Added a rule that you can always "hear" the closest enemy if your only objective is to kill the enemies and there aren't any currently detected.
  • Fixed a number of minor bugs.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Added today: Some missions require you to escape from endless enemies. Here we're headed for the escape zone in the top-right whilst a new Boggin has just spawned from the cave to the left.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mission Objectives

Adding mission objectives. Here we see a chest and some captives to liberate.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mist Dancer

Updated fog levels to remain foggy over time. Added shield ogres, fell fox riders, 3 types of bandits, and mist dancers. The latter unit is very dangerous and hides in a misty cloud whereever it goes:

Friday, March 18, 2016

They people have spoken, and they want fonts! I've replaced all the fonts (not baked into textures) in Glade Raid with book-of-Kells inspired versions. Sample after the break!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Steam Greenlight!

And it's up on Steam Greenlight, just in time for St. Patrick's Day! Please come vote!

Glade Raid on Steam Greenlight!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016



Greenlight Trailer

Game Description

Glade Raid is a simultaneous-turn-based tactical fantasy RPG, with a dynamic narrative featuring many difficult choices on a journey over a randomized campaign map.